About Us

About Us #01

Yoga and Complementary Therapies


Lee will be teaching regular Yoga classes and will also be running Yoga holidays. This will be a great opportunity to indulge in a week of Yoga practice (2 sessions daily, morning and evening) with the freedom to spend the days as you please; walking one of the many hiking trails in Alonissos, swimming at one of the many beautiful beaches the island offers or simply engaging in friendly Greek hospitality at a local taverna or cafe.
There will be a variety of Yoga Holidays and drop-in classes available, Hatha, Ashtanga and Beginnners Courses. All levels are welcome as classes will be adapted to suit the group.

Bibi offers Swedish Body Massage

Swedish Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissue (skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments) of the body. It is a firm massage, which follows a set routine of techniques that vary from deep pressure responsible for stimulating the body’s systems, to slower more general movements to aid relaxation. The treatment is ideal for focusing on and relieving those areas where tension easily builds up such as the back, neck and shoulders. Massage also helps to improve circulation and acts as a stress buster.

The treatment takes place with the client (undressed to their pants) covered with towels, lying on a treatment couch; grapeseed oil applied to the body during its manipulation.Please note before any treatment is undertaken a full medical history questionnaire will need to be completed at the start of the first session.

This treatment is available either on site at Kali Thea or at a requested location (dependent on space restrictions).Treatment time 1 hour

Bibi also offers Hot and Cold Stone Massage

Hot and Cold Stone Massage is the application of heated basalt stones and cooled marble stones combined with manual massage, which provides the client with a deeply relaxing, therapeutic experience. The treatment works on both the body and the client’s natural energy field to bring both back into harmony and balance.

The treatment takes place with the client (undressed to their pants) covered with towels, lying face down a treatment couch. The masseur will apply hot stones to a specific area first using grapeseed oil (the heat of the stone initially transferred to the hands of the therapist then onto the body, so that the client gets used to the heat before the stone is directly applied to the area). The cold stones are then applied immediately afterwards on this area using the same method as previously described. The use of alternating temperatures aids the body’s ability to heal itself.

Once the sequence has been completed crystals are applied to seven energy points along the spine. Before the client lies face up hot stones are placed underneath them at certain key points. Crystals are again reapplied to the energy points on the front of the body before the treatment is concluded.Please note before any treatment is undertaken a full medical history questionnaire will need to be completed at the start of the first session.

This treatment is only available on site at Kali Thea.Treatment time 1 hour 30 mins

Lee offers a Traditional Thai Massage, a full body massage taken on a futon. Thai Massage aligns the energies of the body as pressure is applied through thumbs and palms to the client. The whole body will be moved, loosened and stretched, releasing and dissolving blockages.Treatment time 1 hour/ 1 hour 30 minsREFLEXOLOGY

Bibi will be offering reflexology treatments.

Reflexology can be described as a pressure massage to the feet or hands stimulating the reflex points, which activate the healing powers of the body. It works by bringing the body back into an ideal state of balance (homeostasis) through the eight body systems treated. As a result the mind, body and spirit work together in harmony to create a feeling of well being and optimum health.

The treatment takes place with the client sitting in a reclining chair. The therapist will apply a little talc to each foot, and encourage the client to become aware of their breathing. The therapist will gently apply pressure to specific points on each foot, which correspond to a particular organ or system of the body.Please note before any treatment is undertaken a full medical history questionnaire will need to be completed at the start of the first session.

This treatment is available either on site at Kali Thea or at a requested location (dependent on space restrictions).Treatment time 1 hourHEALING

Bibi will be available for one to one spiritual healing sessions.

Healing is a completely natural and noninvasive treatment. It aims to enhance and empower the individual in finding the perfect state of balance in body, mind and spirit. The healer acts as a channel for healing energies in order for this to happen.

The Client remains fully clothed and can either remain seated or lying down on a treatment couch depending on personal preference. The healer will work with either their hands in contact with the body or at a distance, with the energy field (aura).Please note before any treatment is undertaken a full medical history questionnaire will need to be completed at the start of the first session.

This treatment is only available on site at Kali Thea.Treatment time 1 hour

About Us #02About Us

Lee Hamblin

I have been practicing Yoga since 1995, teaching since 2001. It was suggested to me to try as a release from a career as a songwriter and producer in the music business. I immediately found something was working for me with this science. I always left the mat with a sense of peace after the class, I had no idea why but accepted and acknowledged my feelings. I know my intent and effort brings focus and self discipline to my life and find I give thanks every day for this wonderful life.

I practice with mindfulness and explore and inquire every day, both on and off the mat and find this path a miraculous journey of challenges and fulfillment.

My lifestyle changed over time, there was more of an acceptance of others (who are living their own battles) and it didn’t feel imposed upon me or a fight, it felt right. Self control, wisdom, love and compassion for yourself and others grow with the practice of Yoga.
Of course we only get out of the practice what we put in, think of the quality not the quantity of the practice, of the breath, for there is so much to explore in every posture.

I practice Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and Hatha Yoga and teach classes in both these styles with a deep breath and a flowing exploring attitude. In the ‘doing’ of this practice, finding a way of ‘undoing’.

My Ashtanga classes will follow the Vinyasa system and method as taught by Sri K Pattabhi Jois.
Hatha classes will incorporate asana (posture), a little pranayama (breath awareness), a little savasana (relaxation) in a flowing class.

All are welcome to class, remembering that there is no-one ‘better’ than anybody else, we leave competitiveness outside. It is your practice to explore and I hope you find a little freedom on your mat….and harmony in your life.

Om Shanti.Sunra Hatha Teacher TrainingAnatomy & Physiology Diploma ITECTraditional Thai Massage Training

About Us #03Bibi Hamblin

It was through a chance meeting that I first encountered the concept of ‘healing’. I have always been a little sceptical and unsure about ‘New Age’ philosophies. However trusting the advice offered I successfully enrolled on the College of Psychic Studies accredited healing course in South Kensington.

It was all very new to me and I decided to give the foundation a go unsure what the outcome would be. However, I surprised myself by really enjoying the first term and wanting to continue. As a result, I ended up completing all five modules and successfully qualified as a CHO Accredited Healer.

I began working as a volunteer in the weekly Thursday night clinic firstly as a probationer joining a more experienced healer, and progressing quickly to being a regular on the rota with my own clients.

I loved the opportunity to meet a variety of people, and to be able to offer them half hour to stop, relax and reap the benefits of the exchange of energies that occurs.

Healing has changed my life by helping me to be aware of the importance of the spiritual in our daily lives – most importantly the need to be ‘mindful’ in everything we do however mundane and boring it may seem. My practice has helped me to learn patience, to try not to be judgemental, to be open to new things (though still possessing a healthy amount of scepticism), and most importantly to not be afraid of change. It is my healing that informs all my other therapies and acts as my backbone to everything I do, providing a solid foundation to all my work as a complementary therapist.College of Psychic Studies CHO Accredited HealerRefexology Diploma AORHolistic Body Massage VTCTDiploma & Practitioners Cerfiicate in Hot Stone MassageAnatomy & Physiology Diploma ITEC